Buckets of Water
James 4:17
"Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins."
Have you ever watched someone's house burn down? You probably felt completely helpless! There just isn't anything that you can do, is there?
Now think of this in a different way and picture yourself watching the fire with a bucket of water in your hands. Would you still find yourself just standing there watching or would you put action into those legs?
It isn't even a question in most everyone's minds. You would of course try to help!
So why is it that we are o.k. with standing on the sidelines and watching people destroy their lives? How have we become a generation of speaking our minds about this or that, but when it comes to truly needing to speak them about something life saving, we don't. We would rather keep our mouths shut in fear of offending someone, or butting in.
When I think about how many kids will walk out of high school unsaved, I am just literally sick. I shake my head in sadness and frustration almost every time it is the topic of conversation. I want more than anything to reach as many as possible, not leaving anyone out. Someone told me once, actually a couple of people did, that it isn't my responsibility to save these kids. I understand what they are saying because they think that it is the parents' job, which is so true, but on the other hand, if I have the tools to help, why would I choose to stand by and watch them crash and burn?
You and I both know that any one of us would use our buckets of water to try to save someone else's home. We would never stand there and tell them that it was their responsibility alone to handle that fire. We most likely would help in a way where bystanders wouldn't be able to tell who the true owner is. It would become our fight too!
Is this convicting someone out there? Are you looking down to find that your bucket of water is still full and you have someone around you that is on the verge of destruction? Do not waste your life by fearing someone's reaction to the truth! Your job is to bring Glory to God. If you speak the truth to someone in love, you have to trust that the Holy Spirit will do the rest! There will be people that are going to reject it and that will hurt more than you know, but you can't let those times of rejection define how you are going to live your life!
God puts people in your life everyday that just need to hear about His Love! Don't hide it or keep it to yourself! Help someone live, and then in return they will help someone else live! You might just get to watch just how powerful a simple Word can be!
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