Knock Knock
Imagine yourself for a second, 9:00 at night, at the end of a very stressful day. You actually had time to stop and grab a movie before you got home. Kids in bed (if you have kids), dishes done. You just settle on the couch with your favorite blanket around you and just as you get comfortable, someone knocks on your door. I can just hear the groans now! Who out there would actually ignore the knocks and act like you didn't hear them? Not many…although all of you may complain and not want to get up, you would push pause, unwrap yourself from your blankie, and go see who was there.
As I was thinking about this, I realized that the only way that many of us wouldn't go answer that door was if we knew that the person on the other side was going to harm us, or if it was someone we really didn't want to see. But other than that, it wouldn't matter what we were doing, we would stop and change our plans to see what that one person wanted from us.
Why in the world then do we ignore Jesus when He is at our door knocking?
Re 3:20 "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."
Jesus stands at our doors and knocks!!! He wants you to listen to Him calling. He wants you to invite Him into your hearts and wants to lead and guide you! Why do we treat Him like a stranger that we are scared of or someone that we just don't want to see!
I know personally that left alone; I can make a pretty big mess out of my life. If you are anything like me, you need help!
Jesus wants to be in control…He will never forsake us, or leave us, or dump us, or lead us astray. He doesn't make mistakes either. So what about that person makes us want to keep the door locked up tight? We are crazy sometimes, don't you think!
Today I want to challenge you to listen for that knock on the door. He is knocking…because that is what He does! Don't just sit there not wanting to see what the GOD of the universe has for you! Don't be scared of the change that He may want to see happen, or the things that He wants to do with you! Instead, embrace the fact that Jesus really does love you, know you and pursues you. He really does call people like you and me, and He really is waiting for you to let Him in!
Don't disappoint Him…Don't strand Him outside!
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