The Deal of a Lifetime
I hate to shop. I cannot understand how some girls can go every week as just a hang out time. I would rather have my teeth pulled J (o.k.….not really...but you get my drift)! 1 of the reasons (don't worry, I have several) why I hate to shop is because I, without fail, never hit the sales! It is so irritating to hear people talk about getting 50% off stuff, and coming home with bags full of clothes that they practically stole. But do you think I can ever do that? NEVER!! I have had some friends before call me from the mall and tell me about an amazing sale that was going on right now! There is nothing in me at all that would have the desire to stop what I was doing and rush to the store. So I wait until the next day. But the next day is one day too late, almost every time! There was literally nothing left to choose from. It looked like a herd of elephants had ransacked the entire store. I spent a total of 10 minutes in there and left. I had missed out once again, on a great deal.
In Matthew 25 there is an account of 10 virgins. They all were excitedly waiting for the bridegroom to come. Taking their lamps they went and waited for him…and waited…and waited…and waited. 5 of them had brought extra oil, but the other 5 were not prepared and had to go find some more. While they were gone, he came, and they missed Him! Once they realized what had happened, they begged Him to open the door, in which He replied "I do not know you."
What do you think their hearts did at that point? Do you think that they just said, "oh well" guess I'll have better luck next time? My guess is that they were filled with instant regret; a regret that takes over your body and fills every inch of it. A regret that you know is there because of a choice that you made. You know that you missed the sale!
Where are you at in your life? Are you living in preparation mode for the coming of our bridegroom? It is clear in the Bible that He is coming back one day. He will take those of us that are ready with Him…the rest will be left behind. Can you imagine knowing that you missed JESUS????
WE KNOW HE IS COMING!! This is not a debate…He is coming! I know that we all can get into the mindset that it won't happen to me, or that it won't happen to our generation. But in reality, it could happen any time! In fact, I am pretty sure that those little old grandmas are praying for it to be tomorrow! To be honest, I pray all the time for Him to come now! Our world just keeps getting worse and worse. It makes sense to me to end it, doesn't it you? But let me tell you a little something about my God. He loves you! He loves each and every person on this planet, and I whole heartedly believe that He waits, because there are a few more He wants to win to this side of the fence!
Are you one of them? Is He waiting for you?
One thing to know is that He wants you so bad, but will not force you. The choice is yours alone. Are you going to put off preparing for something you don't think will happen to you, or are you going to drop everything and make sure you don't miss out?
Don't get caught watching everyone else with the bags stuffed with the deals! This deal is free, but it is a limited time offer! One day He will say it's finished! Please, please, please don't be the ones that hear "I do not know you!" The race set before you will not go on forever; there is a finish line for each one. Make sure you are winning the prize before you step across that line!
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