Thank You
Over the years, we have become pretty close to some of our neighbors. There have been weeks where
we end up eating together several different times. It is easy to say that we are very comfortable with each other.
The other day we were over there with a few other couples. As we were trying to get all the kids out the door to leave, I told them to go say "thank you". Without missing a beat, my daughter, mumbled thank you as she was leaving. My friend wasn't even in the same room to be able to hear her. I had to stop Jessi and tell her to go find the host and make sure that she heard her.
A thank you said under your breath without any heart doesn't mean a lot does it? It's like saying sorry while rolling your eyes. Everyone around can tell that you are not sincere. I realized my kids had started taken others for granted. They started to expect certain things to happen and expected to get whatever they wanted without feeling the need to say thank you. It was a little scary for me to tell you the truth.
Do you think that Jesus feels the same way with us? Do you think that He sees us as spoiled and pampered?
In Luke 17 there is an account of 10 people that had leprosy. They had been shunned out of their communities and begged Jesus to have pity on them. Jesus healed ALL 10 of them, and do you know that only 1 of them returned to say thank you? Jesus noticed it too. His first question was where the other 9 were.
He notices when we walk away too. I picture Him up in Heaven just trying to bless us like crazy, and then waiting on the edge of His Throne watching in anticipation to see if we will come running to Him with praise on our lips. Just how many times do you think we disappoint Him? It says in Luke 17 that the 1 lone leper "came back, praising God in a loud voice.
He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked Him.
Do you think we have ever come close to really thanking Him?
God's Love endures forever!!!!! He will never leave us, never forsake us, He is the God of God's, Alpha & Omega, the beginning and the end, God almighty, creator of Heaven and earth. He spoke the world into existence. Do we even understand His Power? He is the only reason that we are born and why we are still living. He has done everything possible to give us a promise of life eternal with Him instead of living in hell! Not to mention that we have food on the table and clothes on our backs.
We have so much to be thankful for, don't we? There has to be a point where we determine NOT to forget to thank Him! Don't take God for granted…praise Him every day! We are nothing and don't deserve half the Love He bestows…don't get caught running out the door throwing a quick thanks over your shoulder, be like the 1 leper, throwing yourself at Jesus' Feet instead! He deserves so much more, the least we can do is say thank you!
1Thessalonians 5:18 "give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
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