A couple of weeks ago, I was driving along in usual Tina fashion…a little too fast! I came up over a hill and saw the red and blues come on instantly. You all know the feeling that happens in that moment of time. My stomach dropped and I pretty much slam on my brakes. You can imagine my relief when I realized that it was one of those signs that just tracks your speed. I got lucky…this time.
I don't know how many times I have had that stomach dropping instant of fear. I came face to face with a real cop not long after my sign incident. I thankfully wasn't speeding, and realized just how good it felt to know that I was safe.
With all of my cop experience, I look back and realize that every time it is completely unexpected! There is never a time when I intentionally set out to get a ticket. I may know that I am speeding, but I don't try to go find a cop and ask him to please pull me over. But without fail, they always seem to find me. It will always catch up with me! Not every time I speed (or I may be without a license). But eventually, it all comes slapping me in the face!
Does that sound anything like what you are living right now? Are you involved with sin in a way that you are constantly trying to dodge the radar? Let me be perfectly clear about something…you will one day get stopped!
Every one of us has at least one thing that will happen no matter what: we will all stand before the Lord when we die. Some may anticipate the end nearing, some may get a countdown because of sickness, but many of our lives will be snuffed out before we even realize that it is over. In that moment where we will be standing before the Lord…what will your reality be? Will it be the fact that you just got busted? Will everything you ever did and never repented for coming rushing forward in a great big wave of regret? Or will you hear without hesitation "well done good and faithful servant!"
When are you going to die? What??? You don't know? Well know this: God knows! God loves us and wants us with Him! He will be there just waiting for us to stop "speeding" and decide to do things His Way. He will wait until the day we die. Then….it's too late to change your actions!
Don't get caught doing something you know is wrong! Sin does nothing but separate us from the only ONE who can save us. When you face Jesus on that unexpected day…I pray that you won't have that sinking stomach feeling, but rather will walk with confidence into His Arms as He welcomes you Home!
The unexpected will happen one day! Don't get caught daydreaming! Live with purpose and intention! Wake up each day determined to following His Ways! When you mess up, admit it and tell Him you're sorry! Don't be stubborn and prideful, because I will guarantee you won't want the ticket God hands out…the price to pay will be too much to handle!
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