Wet Waders
Many of you have heard the story of my husband and his little swim last weekend. We can joke a little about it now, but at the time, I assure you, it wasn't anything to laugh about. The reality is it changed our lives forever! Our perspective has been slammed into place and not anytime soon will I take for granted just how powerful and in charge MY GOD is!
I will recap a little bit for you…
Luke was stranded in the middle of a lake in December (we are in Indiana…which equals...FREEZING!)!
Luke was wearing waders. Not just hip waders but rather chest waders with boots. He has assured me that even when they are dry on land, the waders are super hard to get off; being wet while still in the water, the waders became impossible to remove!
While simply sitting in the boat, the waders aren't extremely heavy. I mean, they obviously add more weight and are bulkier, but nothing unbearable. It became quickly obvious though, that when submerged in water, the waders became a huge problem. The problem didn't occur at first. The problem occurred the longer he sat in the water. As they began to slowly hold more and more water, the waders became so heavy, Luke new that eventually they would pull him under. Even with a lifejacket on, he felt sure that the waders would be what caused him to drown if he did not secure another way to stay afloat. Praise the Lord (I do not say that lightly!) that he was able to swim 40 yards and grab a couple bags of duck decoys. The decoys were able to hold his weight and keep him afloat until help arrived!
I was struck with the similarities between this story and the story that every one of us face when we deal with sin. It really isn't that different!
Just go with me a moment as a draw a mental picture. Imagine that sin is like those waders. You fall into sin and choose not to get rid of it. You "put" sin on like Luke put on those waders. They may seem funny to walk around with at first, but after a while, they get comfortable. You may even forget that they are heavy. This is exactly where satan wants you! He wants you to think that it is no big deal and that you can handle holding onto whatever is actually weighing you down! But it doesn't stop there. Eventually the weight of sin will increase. As you get more and more tired, the "waders" become heavier and heavier. Sin will be so sneaky just like this. It won't just drown you instantly; it will be a slow fade. Sometimes so slow that you won't even notice it until you are at the point of drowning. You may think that you have things in place to help you out. You put your "lifejackets" on and feel a false sense of security. You bank on the fact that you won't drown because you can handle it! The truth of it is: you need a savior. Luke would not have survived if he was not rescued and to be honest we are the same way!
Listen to me carefully…you cannot get yourself to shore when satan has his claws around you! The
only way to freedom is by accepting help from Jesus!
What is weighing you down? Do you have something that you are hiding in hopes that you can just ignore it and that no one will ever find out? Do not be the fool who thinks that they will be fine no matter what. Sin will eventually take you under. And if you have walked around with it for any amount of time, I am sure you will understand completely the weight that I describe. Aren't you sick of it? Don't you just want to strip it off and "run with perseverance the race marked out for you?"
It teaches us in Hebrews 12:1-2
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw of everything that hinders and sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. LET US FIX OUR EYES ON JESUS…"
This is a loaded verse! We have people watching…your life can either be one where people watch you drown or they will watch you run to Jesus. Each one will powerfully affect others and possibly lead them down the same path that you choose!
So what are you going to choose? Are you sick of treading water yet? Are you sick of feeling that heaviness on your chest? Doesn't solid ground sound good about now? Then fix your eyes on Jesus…the author and perfector of our faith! The answer is simple and it will never change…if you want freedom, if you want to rid yourself of the heaviness that is weighing you down then you have to make a choice…life or death?
It's time…Reach out your hand and take His!
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