I am a pretty competitive person, so everything is about a challenge. If you plan on following my blog, I am praying that it won't be something that you just open and read but also apply so that God can change your heart!

I believe that God wants us all to take a look at our lives and live it at a higher level. He is calling us to know Him and see Him. Once we begin to do that, we can then show Him to others!

The world has placed a standard that screams for us to simply fit in. Well, I am rebelling against that standard and refusing to let it be the ruling power in my life! So with that said, I dare I double dog dare you to do the same!

How tough are you really? Tough enough to surrender your life and hit your knees?

I guess we will see....

Friday, December 31, 2010

3 Meals

3 Meals

How many times have we been told to never skip a meal? And further, the meals we do choose have to be balanced and nutritious; not just a fly by kind of meal. You can't just grab the first thing you see and consider it good, Snickers and Tootsie rolls just don't count! If you know that your eating habits aren't the best, you will probably agree with me when I give you the symptoms of what will happen to you if you don't listen to what you've been taught all your life. Weight gain, feelings of being bloated, crabby moods, no energy, etc. Sounds great doesn't it? There is nothing about missing your daily fill that sounds appealing.

Why is it that many of us would never skip our food, but daily, weekly, monthly, even yearly, we skip out on feeding our spiritual lives? How many of you would tell me that there is NO way that you can "fill up" spiritually 3 times a day? A lot of you may not even find it possible to do it once! There may be some that are reading this and will confirm that they checked Bible study off of their list today. But my question to all of you is that when you sit down to a "meal", is it meat, vegi's and fruit that you are eating, or is it candy and junk food? Do you really get fed or are you just getting by?

We all know what happens to our physical bodies when we don't eat right, what you may not have thought about before is what exactly happens to us spiritually when we don't.

Jesus says:

John 6:35 "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me will never go hungry, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty."

How many of you feel that hunger ache all the time? I am not talking about your physical bodies, I am talking about that ache that you just aren't satisified with life but yet you just don't know how to be. You find yourself looking and searching for "the answer". But everything new you buy, or weight you accomplish, or friend that you make, or promotion you get, etc…just doesn't seem to cut it. You, sooner than later, find yourself dissatisfied and hungry once again.

So are you ready to stop searching? Want me to tell you the secret you have been dying to hear? Go back up to John 6:35…see it mixed in between those words? Yep… there it is…JESUS. Amazing how He seems to be the answer for everything huh? Now imagine for a minute filling up on Jesus 3 times a day! Not just open your Bible and read something quickly without digesting it kind of Jesus. I am talking about real conversation, pouring your heart out, hands wide open, surrender kind of time with Jesus. Imagine taking every single care, worry, and problem of your day and laying it at His Feet! Not just once a month…I am talking about all during the day.

Jesus says that HE is the bread of life. He is not just another bread of life…He is THE one and only. He says that if anyone comes to Him and believes in Him, they will not be hungry or thirsty! But there is a catch in that verse that we can't overlook. The word COME. You have to COME to Him!! It is not enough to just believe (even the demons believe). NO!! You have to come to Him to receive the bread!

I don't know about you, but I am feeling hungry! Want to stop searching for other avenues to walk down and walk down the path that leads to Him? I'll go with you…let's go fill our plates!

I'm Yours Lord…take me, shape me, fill me…I'm done running and I'm done searching! You are it for me!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tina! Nice Job on this one. Just the other day at youth group Jj was talking to the kids about this very same thing. Whats even more awesome is taking that scripture and standing on it during a time of fasting for Jesus! He truly is our Bread and Drink! Thanks!
    For His Glory,


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