Protein Shake
For me, every morning starts out the same…a chocolate protein shake. Now before any of you tell me that that isn't so bad let me assure you…I hold my breath the whole time! I like my chocolate, but this just isn't the same. The protein part is what gets me every single day. I have been taking this for a couple of years, you would have thought that I'd be used to it by now!
So, the next question many of you might be thinking is "why?". Why would I put myself through that if I really didn't like it? The answer is simple…because of the effects it has on my body. There are, on rare occasion, a day that I might miss. It would be the day that I spend the night somewhere and forget to bring it or something like that. Never do I miss if it is in my house…NEVER! If I do, by about 10:00 I am craving carbs like crazy! Then about 2:00 I crash and can hardly go on. Give me a couple of days in a row of skipping, and I am a mess! My body needs the nutrients that that thick, chocolaty, protein, gaggy shake gives! The results are so drastic without it that I choose to make it a part of my routine, without hesitation!
Do you ever have those days, or weeks, when you just don't want to read the Bible? I ashamedly have and I fully admit that it is a struggle to open the Word of God! I hate that about myself, truly I do! Why can't I just stay on fire and crave it every single day? But instead, I find myself facing mornings when I would rather clean then sit and be still for a while! Do you know what I'm talking about here?
You know what I have found though? That just like those protein shakes, if I skip out of getting "fed" in the morning (or whenever you have your quiet time), by mid morning, I am unfocused and a little crazy. Then by mid afternoon, I am stressed and grouchy! By bed time, my kids have been yelled at, my house is a mess, and I can't relax as I finally get to bed. I fall asleep with a million different concerns running through my head. You can just imagine how I actually sleep that night! I literally wake up exhausted!
This scenario is so true I am embarrassed to admit it! After putting it down on paper, I realize even more the NEED that I have to make it a priority to seek Him daily! And for me…that is first thing in the morning!
What about you? Does this at all look familiar to anyone else but me? I have found that some days, God's Word feels like a chore for me to read! I can't believe I just said that, but in all honesty, that is what it feels like! I have to force myself to open it and read, and read, and read. At the time it seems like absolutely nothing is getting in. I feel like nothing stuck and it was a waste of time. But something crazy usually happens. Even if I have to "hold my breath and just drink it down fast", sometime during the day, what I read comes back to me. It is like it is sustaining me and getting me through. I will end my day and realize that I am not insaneJ.
The trick of doing anything that is good for you is that you have to, have to, have to commit to doing it even when you don't feel like it! So when you have those days that you feel like hitting the snooze for 15 minutes, or you pack your day so full, there "just isn't time", MAKE time! The end results will be better! The Bible is such a better filler…you will find yourself actually able to survive and thrive rather than just barely making it through.
John 6:35 Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me will never go hungry, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty."
Love it:) T<><