Gas Station
The other day as I was driving past a gas station, l looked to see if I needed to stop. I was at half a tank so I drove right on by. I don't know why I am like that, because inevitably, I will be scrambling the next day to make it to the pump before running out. Almost every single time I stop for gas, the light on my gauge is on. I barely make it sometimes, and embarrassingly, I have run completely out before!
Do you know how many opportunities that I had to fill up before getting to the frantic point? Most of the times, I have at least 20. I drive through town a lot and do not even think about stopping until the needle is pointing to E. As I type this out, I am realizing just how stupid that mindset probably is!
How many of you get "filled up" at church? I know some days, for me, it is like water to a thirsty soul. I just crave to get inside those doors to fellowship and worship! It is refreshing. I walk out ready to hit the week!
Now another question: how many of you only get filled at church?
How many of us find ourselves sitting faithfully every single Sunday inside those church doors, yet during the week, not doing anything to grow closer to Jesus? It is like we are filling our tanks on Sunday, then slowly watching the needle reach empty, and as we putt into the church parking lot, we realize that we are running on fumes? Sound familiar to anyone?
I have learned along the way that I have to keep topping off my tank as often as I can! But do you know how many opportunities to get filled that I pass on? How often do I turn off Christian radio, or how often do I substitute time with HIM for TV, or how often do I skip out on a spiritual conversation to keep cleaning? These are all examples of times when I am running on half a tank, and think I can easily make it another day without a big fill up! Once again, I am realizing just how stupid this thinking is!
Jesus says to follow Him, put your armor on and seek His Face. He never once said to do that only on Sundays! In fact, He never specified a day, which in my eyes means TODAY! Today seek Him, follow Him, and fight for all you're worth! Then by the time Sunday gets here, you might actually pour out what you are already overflowing with! Instead of just sitting in the pews and being a sponge, you will give back to God. You will lift your voices with praise; you'll be able to fellowship, encourage and lead others to a life that is filled with the Spirit, not just running on empty most days!
God is just waiting to pour more into you…stop running long enough each day to receive the portion that will keep your "tank empty" light from ever coming on! Don't run out of gas when there are so many gas stations just waiting to fill you up!
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