I am a pretty competitive person, so everything is about a challenge. If you plan on following my blog, I am praying that it won't be something that you just open and read but also apply so that God can change your heart!

I believe that God wants us all to take a look at our lives and live it at a higher level. He is calling us to know Him and see Him. Once we begin to do that, we can then show Him to others!

The world has placed a standard that screams for us to simply fit in. Well, I am rebelling against that standard and refusing to let it be the ruling power in my life! So with that said, I dare I double dog dare you to do the same!

How tough are you really? Tough enough to surrender your life and hit your knees?

I guess we will see....

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I'll start and end my sharing with one simple phrase: A simple journey can change a life. It has been a really awesome week to watch God work in the lives of our young people! We've just finished the evening here with listening to Pastor Watson for the second time this week. He has really challenged the young people to have a vision and passion for a life lived for Christ. Tonight, he ended his challenge with a passionate, "Be strong and courageous!" We will all be anticipating how Christ's words through him will take shape in their lives.
You would all be proud to see the physical work of your young people. Every one of them has been incredibly amazing! You would not believe they would work this hard at home. We look forward to finishing the week strong.
A simple journey can change a life....
In Him,

We were challenged in several ways today. First, it was a challenge to awaken to Hannah (on the top bunk of her bed) holding onto the table lamp. How she got it up into her bed, I'll never know! We had a fun time giggling in the early morning hours as I put the lamp back where it belonged. Since the sun was soon to rise and we were on KP duty, we all decided to stay up. Doing our morning devotions in this beautiful location is so special! Tina prepared a week's worth of devotions from the Old Testament. The story this morning was Noah's journey from Genesis 6-9. Out of all the people on the earth, he was the only one in which God chose to recreate the human race. "Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord." (Gen. 6:8) Is that how God sees us? What a huge aim!
After our breakfast, the next challenge came when we broke into three groups to go to our various worksites. One group went back to the "pit" - an outdoor mountain septic system built for one of the school families. Another went to the farm to clear land and turn it over for planting. A third team--mine--stayed at the base to do concrete work for an addition to the hotel. Since I haven't shoveled stone or sand for a while, and since lifting buckets ladened with wet concrete is not part of my usual things to do, I had a day of very hard work. Along with my team, we mixed by shovels and hauled fourteen 80 lb. bags of concrete in buckets all day.
Our last challenge was tonight with Pastor Watson. Pastor loves God's Word and God's call on our lives to tell those around us of His saving grace. His one desire is for us to live so passionately for Christ, that lives are changed and Christ is glorified.
I pray that I remember all three of these impacting events, so my heart will be ready for God's work, and He will find me a good and faithful servant.
God Bless!

Today was by far the most challenging day for me and many others in our group. It was the fourth day in a row of hard physical labor and it had definitely taken a toll on me. The first challenge of the day for me was waking up even earlier than usual to do our KP duty which consisted of us making PB&J's for the whole team to have for lunch, and then serving breakfast. After this the day got off to a fast start and did not slow down. We got to the farm where my group was working and instantly noticed that it was going to be a much harder day of work. One thing I learned on this trip is that clay in Jamaica is no different than the clay back in good old Indiana, and with the rain that the farm got the night before it made it even harder. I thought it was amazing how well our group worked even though we were faced with fatigue and harder working conditions. Through it all our group did not whine, or complain. We simply worked hard for the entire time we were there, and this is something that I loved seeing the entire week. Our group was unstoppable. No matter what happened we kept on working. No complaining or anything. Even though it may seem like such a small thing, I found it as such a blessing to have a group who not only loved serving the people, but did it with such amazing attitudes. I think this is something that everyone can take back home and even you reading this can take away. A simple change of attitude can completely change the experience.
    In Christ...
          Colson Herman

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