I am a pretty competitive person, so everything is about a challenge. If you plan on following my blog, I am praying that it won't be something that you just open and read but also apply so that God can change your heart!

I believe that God wants us all to take a look at our lives and live it at a higher level. He is calling us to know Him and see Him. Once we begin to do that, we can then show Him to others!

The world has placed a standard that screams for us to simply fit in. Well, I am rebelling against that standard and refusing to let it be the ruling power in my life! So with that said, I dare I double dog dare you to do the same!

How tough are you really? Tough enough to surrender your life and hit your knees?

I guess we will see....

Friday, June 25, 2010

End Result

End Result

Isaiah 25:8 " He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of His people shall He take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it."

Have you ever gotten to a point where you just want to quit? It could be with any number of things; sports, your job, praying for someone, ministry, your marriage, etc. This list could go on and on. It has happened to me on countless occasions! I get just about to a breaking point and God gives me a glimpse of the end result, giving me enough hope to keep going.

I often wonder why we can't just see the end at the beginning. If only God would show me what for sure was going to happen, I know that I could keep myself from getting down and discouraged. I know that I wouldn't give up praying, fighting, putting my armor on, studying and on and on. I know that I would never fall into a pit.

So why don't you think that God will just do it MY way? It seriously sounds like a good plan to me…don't you think?

This past week I hit a low. It wasn't the lowest that I have ever been, but it sure ranked up there. I became exhausted, drained, tired and grumpy. I had no spiritual energy left to want to lift a finger. There were times that even texting something encouraging was just too much. I told my husband that I was just done. (Even though I know I will never give upJ). It was at this point that I could have used a little bit of a glimpse of what God sees for the future. But it didn't come…in fact I found myself feeling like there was a huge thick ceiling blocking any communication between me and Him. I couldn't feel Him, or sense Him, or see Him working. I about went crazy.

I got the opportunity to talk to a pastor friend of mine half way through the week. I mentioned how drained I had let myself get. He had gone through a huge draining that lasted months and months, so he is one person that can understand getting burnt out better than anyone I know. I could tell he hated that I felt that way. At the end of our conversation as I was walking away, he called out to me and said "Don't quit fighting, don't ever quit…we win in the end, the victory is ours!" That was all that it took to relight my flame!

God wins…we win…that is the end result! So as I tried to slap myself silly for getting so far off of the path, I realized that God has already given me what I felt I needed the whole entire time! He has shown me what is going to happen; He has promised victory if we just keep on fighting!

I realized I get too caught up in the little battles that go on, allowing them to distract me from the actual war that we are in. Isn't it clear who is at work here? Satan is up to his usual tricks and for some reason, this time, I couldn't sense it happening. He blinded me to everything that God is and everything He promises, and instead got me discouraged over the lack of results that were happening right at this moment.

War does not end in 3 days; some battles do, but not war. If the USA enters into a war knowing that they will be victorious, they won't pull the troops out until that happens. They will continue to fight every battle, never giving up on a single one of them.

We need to face our lives the same way!

Don't quit praying, daily put your armor on, and seek His Face all the time. Keep fighting for those that don't fight for themselves, and keep talking to those who refuse to listen! Show Jesus to everyone you can and fight the fight!

Where are you at right now? Are you feeling like this fight might be too much for you? Are you ready to throw in the towel? Don't let satan fool you, don't quit yet! God wins whether we give up or not…nothing will change that! If we want victory to be ours, then we better suit up and keep on fighting! Keep your vision set on the promised end result!

Don't quit…ever!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder Tina. I won't quit either! We'll stick together:) And wherever two or more are gathered in His name....things will definitely remain exciting!


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