I am a pretty competitive person, so everything is about a challenge. If you plan on following my blog, I am praying that it won't be something that you just open and read but also apply so that God can change your heart!

I believe that God wants us all to take a look at our lives and live it at a higher level. He is calling us to know Him and see Him. Once we begin to do that, we can then show Him to others!

The world has placed a standard that screams for us to simply fit in. Well, I am rebelling against that standard and refusing to let it be the ruling power in my life! So with that said, I dare I double dog dare you to do the same!

How tough are you really? Tough enough to surrender your life and hit your knees?

I guess we will see....

Monday, June 28, 2010

Follow the Leader

Follow the Leader

Do you find yourself in the leader role, or do you claim boldly to be a great follower? Some people are more than content to stay behind someone the whole time, while others push to the front just to be the 1st in line. If you are someone that leads often, you probably know that that is your gift. If you are a follower, you probably don't covet that gift at all. But what I discovered this past week is that "followers" may have a little surprise coming their way. After reading this devotion, I wonder how many people will realize that they have actually had a completely different role than they ever expected.

Last week I found myself in a car line. I was about 3rd or 4th back with a couple more people behind me. We were all going to a county home to help with a service project. Although this place has been open for years, I, along with many of the other parents had never heard of it, let alone been there (which is sad in itself). We all pulled out of the church at the same time and started on down the road in one big line. Once we got to a pretty busy road, I realized that we were going to get separated a bit. While we all took our own turning waiting for a break in traffic, there would always end up being 1 or 2 cars in between us. We were on a straight piece of road, so the big van in the lead was still pretty visible. I realized that there might be a problem when we started hitting the curves. All of the sudden we came to an area where cars were turning off really quickly. I, all of the sudden had a little panic moment when I had no clue who I was supposed to be following. I couldn't see the van anymore! It was nowhere to be seen. What I had to concentrate on, was the person right in front of me.

What I realized was the person behind me was doing the same exact thing to me.

So in essence, I was no longer just a follower…but also a leader! Annnnnnd…who I followed determined whether the people behind me got lost or not.

So now…do you still think of yourself as just a follower?

So many of us don't want the responsibility of being in charge or leading the way. But the reality is that someone somewhere is watching us and our actions, and we end up leading anyhow.

So now the question becomes, who are you following? I wonder if you follow every diet that is out there…or maybe you follow the road to the liquor store, how about drugs…unhealthy relationships…selfish desires…money…bitterness..pride (do I need to go on)? We all have something that is screaming for us to take a wrong turn! STOP!!! Put on your breaks right now and just focus for one second! Take a good hard look in your rearview mirror and see who is behind you. Their eyes are glued to your every action! They soak up every word that you say! You may be their only link to finding the right way to their destination. Do you really want to be the one to lead them astray?

I found this verse that is so convicting! It is spoken with such confidence and boldness. I wonder how many of us would have the guts to declare it to everyone we know…

1 Corinthians 11:1

"Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ."

Even if you don't find yourself as the leader of the pack, know without a doubt that you are leading someone somewhere. Take some time before you take off in the morning to make sure that you are first off following the right person (JESUS!!!) and secondly make sure the people behind you know it!

God is so awesome and Jesus is so much fun to follow! If you want to get lost and wonder around with that horrible feeling in your stomach that just screams that something is wrong, then that's your choice! But I would much rather follow Jesus and let Him take me wherever He wants with the promise of never getting lost!

So are you ready to say it? Are you ready to tell people that you are no longer just a follower but instead a leader who is empowered by God's Spirit? Go ahead…shout it out the window! But please please please….line yourself up with the right person first…don't let any distraction confuse you into taking the wrong turn! Set your sights on Jesus and then bring someone else along for the ride!

Friday, June 25, 2010

End Result

End Result

Isaiah 25:8 " He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of His people shall He take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it."

Have you ever gotten to a point where you just want to quit? It could be with any number of things; sports, your job, praying for someone, ministry, your marriage, etc. This list could go on and on. It has happened to me on countless occasions! I get just about to a breaking point and God gives me a glimpse of the end result, giving me enough hope to keep going.

I often wonder why we can't just see the end at the beginning. If only God would show me what for sure was going to happen, I know that I could keep myself from getting down and discouraged. I know that I wouldn't give up praying, fighting, putting my armor on, studying and on and on. I know that I would never fall into a pit.

So why don't you think that God will just do it MY way? It seriously sounds like a good plan to me…don't you think?

This past week I hit a low. It wasn't the lowest that I have ever been, but it sure ranked up there. I became exhausted, drained, tired and grumpy. I had no spiritual energy left to want to lift a finger. There were times that even texting something encouraging was just too much. I told my husband that I was just done. (Even though I know I will never give upJ). It was at this point that I could have used a little bit of a glimpse of what God sees for the future. But it didn't come…in fact I found myself feeling like there was a huge thick ceiling blocking any communication between me and Him. I couldn't feel Him, or sense Him, or see Him working. I about went crazy.

I got the opportunity to talk to a pastor friend of mine half way through the week. I mentioned how drained I had let myself get. He had gone through a huge draining that lasted months and months, so he is one person that can understand getting burnt out better than anyone I know. I could tell he hated that I felt that way. At the end of our conversation as I was walking away, he called out to me and said "Don't quit fighting, don't ever quit…we win in the end, the victory is ours!" That was all that it took to relight my flame!

God wins…we win…that is the end result! So as I tried to slap myself silly for getting so far off of the path, I realized that God has already given me what I felt I needed the whole entire time! He has shown me what is going to happen; He has promised victory if we just keep on fighting!

I realized I get too caught up in the little battles that go on, allowing them to distract me from the actual war that we are in. Isn't it clear who is at work here? Satan is up to his usual tricks and for some reason, this time, I couldn't sense it happening. He blinded me to everything that God is and everything He promises, and instead got me discouraged over the lack of results that were happening right at this moment.

War does not end in 3 days; some battles do, but not war. If the USA enters into a war knowing that they will be victorious, they won't pull the troops out until that happens. They will continue to fight every battle, never giving up on a single one of them.

We need to face our lives the same way!

Don't quit praying, daily put your armor on, and seek His Face all the time. Keep fighting for those that don't fight for themselves, and keep talking to those who refuse to listen! Show Jesus to everyone you can and fight the fight!

Where are you at right now? Are you feeling like this fight might be too much for you? Are you ready to throw in the towel? Don't let satan fool you, don't quit yet! God wins whether we give up or not…nothing will change that! If we want victory to be ours, then we better suit up and keep on fighting! Keep your vision set on the promised end result!

Don't quit…ever!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Best Friend

Best Friend

Can a dog really count as a best friend? If it's a yes, then I will be first in line with mine! The thing I love about Diesel is that he loves me the best! When my whole family is around, he is planted right at my side. I think it makes my husband jealousJ.

One of my hobbies is running. It helps me clear my head and just have some amazing time to talk with God. Almost every time I go, my dog is by my side. He seriously acts like he is my best friend.

When I run with Diesel, I have to stay pretty much on the same roads. Most of them around us are gravel or dirt, with not a ton of traffic. Just in case he darts, I feel a lot safer with Amish buggies passing me than semis. This gets so boring though. At times, I don't even want to run because I get sick of the same route. So on occasion, I will kennel Diesel up and take off on a different path. He is never happy about this, he actually stands at the locked gate and barks and barks and barks…it about breaks my heart. But there are just times, when I need a change of scenery.

Yesterday was one of those days when he got to go with me. But man, he was driving me crazy! I was on a good pace where I was comfortable. Nothing irritates me more on a run, then getting my rhythm interrupted. He continually was doing exactly that. On those dirt roads, there are certain paths that have been worn smooth. I love to run on these, and apparently yesterday, Diesel did too. He constantly kept cutting me off so that he could take the path that he wanted. It not only messed with my pace, but it kept shoving me into a path that was filled with stones and ruts. Then to top it off, everything that moved perked his attention. On a few occasions, he would take off on a dead sprint and run into the woods or neighbors yards in search of who knows what. I pray every time that it isn't someone's cat! When he does that, I have to stop again and yell at time to get back; once again messing with my rhythm.

So what about you? Do you feel like you are constantly getting pushed off the path by someone you are close with? You want so much to take them with you wherever you go, but then find yourself stuck running in the stones and ruts? Or you may have your eyes set on a goal, but have to constantly stop because they get distracted, sidetracked and lost along the way? Are you finding that they are hindering you from running the race that God has set before you?

The bad part about best friends is we get so comfortable with them that we don't want things to change, so we go along with whoever they become and never stop to challenge the idea that they may not be the best thing for us anymore. There are times when you just have to get off of the same road that you have always traveled. More than likely, when that happens, not everyone will go along for the ride.

Is it time to leave your friend at home? Is God calling you to some new path that they just can't travel with you? Are you finding that although it is hard to admit, your best friend really doesn't have your best interest at heart anymore?

Change is hard for most people. Comfort zones are forged and many times never left. You can live your whole life right there in that little box if you want to! But why not strive for something more? Why not try a new route that God is prompting you to try?

When it comes to best friends, you want one that can go where you go, listen to everything on your heart, never leave you for something that is distracting them, never cause you to compromise what you know to be true, and help you become the best that you can be. I don't think Diesel fits that bill…in fact; I don't think that there has ever been anyone in my life that fits that bill! Except Jesus!

Do you want a change? Do you need a change? It has to start with who you are choosing to allow on your run! Are they really your best friends forever and ever…or are they just the people that you have grown accustomed to being around so you don't want to change kind of thing? I say start with God…every morning before your feet hit the floor and then allow your thoughts to travel to Him all during your day! Go to Him before you go to anyone else with your problems. If you do this…I PROMISE that He will be better than any best friend that has ever been a part of your life!

I am not saying that you should live with no one in your life as a friend! I have plenty that I adore! But be selective to whom you let run right beside you. You will finish your race one of two ways: off pace, distracted and discouraged, or simply…you will be the winner. Don't run to just finish…run to win!

Hebrews 12:1-3

1 " Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

3 consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Light Switch

Light Switch

John 12:46 "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness."

Have you ever walked into a completely dark room and instantly have your pulse quicken? Every noise is magnified and your imagination can just about make you crazy! The first thing that I do is slam my hand against the wall and search for the light switch.

Do you ever just ignore the switch and walk around in complete darkness? Of course not, at least most of us don't! There are way too many dangers that are hidden when there is no light. Even when you are comfortable with a room and live in it every day, you still want something to help you walk through it.

Why in our spiritual lives do we let the darkness flood us and not go searching for our "light switch"? Do you ever get comfortable with someone or something that is bringing you down? You find yourself in a place where you would rather live in darkness and keep them, than live in freedom and have to give them up. Why is it that people and activities slowly become more important than Jesus? You can find out if this is true by looking at the shadow that is cast in front of you…if it is the cross, then Jesus is right where you need Him to be! If there is any other shape that shows up, you know that something has crept into HIS spot!

Choices are a part of our daily lives. When we reach the end, how we lived and who we touched will be a direct result of how we chose to live, who we chose to invest in and who we chose to follow. It is all about us taking a deliberate step forward. You can't get into Heaven by accident; you don't accidentally fall through the gates. You will have to make a choice. No one can turn a light switch on for you. You have to be the one to do it, because in the end, it's about you and Jesus.

What has you living in the dark? Is there something in your life that is draining the light right out of you? It's time to put action into your words! Don't waste another day saying that you really need to change this or that! DO IT! Walk over to that switch and make it happen! God is like a spot light; just waiting to flood you with so much power…all you have to do is flip the switch!

John 3:20-21 "Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.

But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."


Let's go simple this week.  I realized the last couple of days just how contagious a smile was.  It actually became a challenge to me to find someone in the store and make them smile.  So this week, try hard to make someone smile!  It doesn't have to be a stranger...sometimes the people that need it the most are the ones in your own house!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010



I was reminded today of that amazingly wonderful game that we all got in our stockings when we were little. You know, the one with a man's bald head staring at you, with a pile of magnetic shavings at the bottom. You were given a little pencil like object with a magnet on the end. You could use it to pick up a pile of shavings and move it to a place on the head that was bald and redecorate it any way you wanted. It was endless fun as a kid, especially when it was the only game you were allowed to play with in church. It kept us quiet I guess.

There also was another magnetic game that caused little kids to think that you were doing magic. There would be 2 little dogs with magnets on the ends. You would put one dog on top of a piece of paper, and the other on the bottom. They would align up together and you could move one dog anywhere you wanted simply by controlling it with the other. Awesome fun, especially when you were 5 years old.

A question that was posed today really had me thinking about these 2 games. "How does knowing God's characteristics affect your choices, thoughts, prayers, and feelings?" I found myself staring dumbly at my teacher, really wanting to express what I felt, but not being able to find the right words to do it justice. It was at that moment that I felt the Holy Spirit start forming an idea and an answer in my head. It has everything to do with those wonderful childhood games.

I began viewing my life as a single piece of magnet and my choices, thoughts, prayers, and feelings as little shavings all scattered around me. Off in the distance I see this larger magnet. As I learn more and more about what this larger magnet is all about, I find myself moving closer and closer to it. There is a pull that is undeniable coming from it that attracts me. I finally become so close that I realize I am in perfect alignment with it. As soon as I am attached to it, I have this magnetic power flowing through me, and all my little shavings come into alignment too.

James 4:8 Come near to God and He will come near to you.

This verse is awesome for me to realize that God is that big magnet in my life. As I began to pick this verse apart, I realized that this is exactly how it is. The phrase "come near" in the original language is eggizo, which means "to join one thing to another". Perfect…what more could I want? But then I dug even further and realized that in the original language, this verse "expresses a command to the hearer to perform a certain action by the order and authority of the one commanding. It was not intended as an invitation but as an absolute command, requiring full obedience on the part of all hearers." Wow! So we are not being invited to draw near to God…we are being commanded!

Why would this be a command? Why would it be so important that we be commanded instead of just invited? It goes right along with "Repent ye sinners", not an invitation but a command. I began to look at my life again, and realized that I for sure felt the pull of the "big magnet" in my life, without doubt, but if I was completely honest, I did not feel just one pull, but two. God knows this too. He knows that He is not the only magnet out there. He knows that the other magnets also try to pull you in. I think that this is why He commanded us to draw near to Him. There is danger near and He wants us to realize that a simple invitation will not do.

As you take inventory of your life, what magnet is attracting you? Is God the "Big" one, or do you find yourself attached to something else that controls you?

There is one other dimension of magnets that had me thinking. I remember the thrill of watching them match up, an attraction that you couldn't break. But I also remember turning one magnet over and trying to make them connect. You couldn't. You see, if both positive sides of the magnet are facing each other, there is a repulsion rather than an attraction. This made me think about the state of my heart as I approached God. God is the positive, He is unchanging and unwavering and He will always be right. I on the other hand have a very prideful heart, one where I think that I am bigger and better than who I ever actually will be. I am a positive right now too. This is a disastrous place to be. It is here that I find myself trying to draw near, but never being able to align with who God is.

James 4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.

To me, this verse teaches us to become a negative. If God is the positive and He is unchanging, then we must be the ones to change. We must be the ones to humble our hearts before we approach His Throne. If we refuse to let go of that positive charge, we will still be attracted to other magnets….only those with a negative charge though. Are you willing to risk being aligned with evil? Is that who you are choosing?

As long as we will be willing to change, God is the only magnet that we can be aligned with.

Which magnet do you want to be attached

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Vision

Garage sales are amazing! I am not kidding when I say that I am addicted! My kids now have been trained to spot the signs; even in the middle of winter they will exclaim that they see one. (It always turns out to be a for sale sign.) My problem with them is that I am almost always on my way somewhere else when they pop up everywhere. They are a total distraction causing me to be late 90% of the time. I think that I can just stop and run through things in 5 minutes, but it turns into not only 5 minutes here but 10 minutes there, etc. There was one day that I could see the road I was heading to in the distance and 4 or 5 signs at the end of driveways in between. I just needed to put my hands up on the side of my eyes and not look at anything other than my destination. I completely failed!

It reminded me of those eye things they put on horses so that they don't get distracted. Have you ever seen them? They are little flaps that pretty much take away their peripheral vision. They have to focus on the road in front of them only, not the chaos that could be all around them.

The other day I was really having a hard spiritual day. Too many people were giving me advice, or thoughts, or ideas, and I was just on overload. It was like my head was spinning, and I couldn't hear or focus on God. I felt like He was at the end of the road, and all these people were garage sales. There was so much distraction going on. I was like a lost kid trying to scream above the noise to find their parents. I finally got to the point where I did just that… cried out to God. His response was crystal clear to my heart. "It's just you and Me". That was all I needed to realize I had widen my line of vision so much that it included all the bunny trails and side roads that jutted off of the path I was on. My vision was no longer locked in on Him, instead on everything else that was going on around me.

What was happening to me could easily happen to you. I had decisions to be made. Instead of going straight to God, I was getting answers from people around me. I am the type of person that doesn't want to hurt feelings, so when they give me advice, I can't just shrug them off easily. What happened was a ton of people were telling me different things, and the Holy Spirit was trying to get through to me too. I felt a battle and I couldn't sort it out. I was getting so confused. But God spoke clarity and literally took all the fog away. In one instant, He simply told me to focus on nothing other than Him. It's so simple; it makes so much sense and yet all the time, I forget to do exactly that. (I am not saying through this devo that you can't or shouldn't talk to others and seek Godly guidance for issues that you are dealing with. I am saying that you better not take your eyes off of Jesus along the way!)

"I am the way, the truth and the life…" John 14:6

It's doesn't get much clearer than that!

What is it that gets your attention off of God? Is it Friends, TV, Video Games, Work, Sports? It can even be something good. Church can get your mind off of God if it becomes about your praise instead of His!

How many things have I allowed to let my eyes stray to? How many things have you allowed? God wants it to be just you and Him. He wants to be your focus and He wants you to keep walking straight to Him, not stopping at any "garage sales" along the way.

I hope that you all can develop a sort of tunnel vision. When looking through a tunnel, you can't really see anything other than the light at the end. You focus on that the whole way through. Do this with God! Stay focused on His Face and you will be right where He wants you to be…on the path. If you decide to take those blinders off you will be right where I was last week and find yourself a scattered mess. Pick up every piece and listen for His Voice. He is calling you and wanting you to realize that what He wants is for it to be just you and HIM!

Friday, June 11, 2010


What are you holding tight too?  This week I challenge you to take whatever is weighing you down, off of your shoulders and hand them over to God.  Quit trying to control everything and take it one day at a time!  Remember that the more that you try to control, the more you will worry.  I have proven this theory more than just one time!  Give God control of your thoughts, and everyday, walk around with hands wide open!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Then What?

Then What?
I have a son that is 3 weeks older than his cousin. Almost immediately we could see that these 2 boys couldn't be more differentJ! It has made us chuckle many times to watch how each one will handle a situation in their own little way. Kolt (mine) is a full speed ahead kind of kid. He doesn't take time to think through the fact that bones may break if he jumps off of something tall; that running full speed with your hands full may result in a face plant. He just goes. Ethan (my nephew) is the polar opposite. You can almost see his wheels turning as he contemplates the consequences of each choice before he makes it. He has a great grasp of the need of asking himself "then what?" before making a series of choices that will only land him in trouble or get him hurt.
I have had the opportunity, if that's what you want to call it, to watch many people (including myself) make some wrong choices that have landed them on a road they never imagined existed much less that they would travel it! It was one that they didn't choose out right, but rather got there by not stopping and thinking before plowing ahead with their own agendas. They failed to ask themselves the "then what?" question.
Sin has a really tricky way of trapping us before we even know that we are walking on thin ice. It can start out really innocently. It ALWAYS is a progression! Here are some examples. Just imagine how different it could have been if the "then what" question would have been applied at the beginning of these situations.

  • Getting to know someone and claiming that you only held hands…nothing was hurt…then what? Where will it lead from there? A little kiss? Then what?

  • You were at a party and only tasted the mixed drink. Everyone was doing it and it wasn't like you got drunk…then what? The next weekend you realize that nothing happened with a little sip, so why not try just a little more…then what?

  • You were swamped at school and could barely keep up, cheating didn't really count because you were only doing it this one time to not fall behind further…then what? It was pretty easy and really convenient…maybe just one more time!...then what?

  • You were too tired to wake up for church…your week was so packed, you just needed this one day to sleep in…then what? The next week you have something going on that you just can't miss, and the following week you have to clean the house, etc…then what?

    Are you getting the picture yet? One little time left unchecked can and will easily lead you to many more times of making wrong choices that turn into addictions and habits. In every one of these situations you find yourself looking back and wondering how you ever let yourself get so far off track.

    I want to paint a different "then what" picture. One that hopefully will leave you wanting something different than what your life may be looking like right now!
Imagine getting up 15 minutes(or more) early every day to start it in Bible study…then what? Then as you walk through your day, you pray continually, never breaking your dialogue with God…then what? You seek Him before making decisions and strive to have your choices match up to His Word…then what? He begins to stir your heart and equips you to do some pretty amazing things!...then what? You find opportunities to share Him with others around every corner….then what? You lead people to a stronger and deeper relationship with Him…then what? You see change start to happen in the community around you…then what? You find yourself smack dab in the middle of God's Will for your life..then what…you grow old…you look back on a life that was jam packed with making Jesus famous!…then what…you hear this:
Mt 25:21 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"
Now look over the two roads that you can choose. Know without a doubt that every choice has a "then what". Would you rather find yourself hurt, broken, and beat up, or does it make more sense to stop yourself right now. Be still before God and ask Him the "then what" question. There may be something right now in your life that will only lead you to a lot more headache than you want. Especially when it can all be avoided!
You many think that you can handle whatever it is you are doing, but let me assure you that you are not as invincible as you think. Anytime you put yourself in situations where the end result could land you in trouble, you can bet that satan is right there beside you saying that just one more step won't hurt anything! GUARNTEED!
We are stronger than this! We have a God that is stronger than this! He has equipped us with the Holy Spirit to fight the schemes of satan. Don't give in, don't give up and certainly don't run ahead without asking yourself exactly what will be the "then what"!
1John 4:4 "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Jeremiah 18:4 "But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him."

I had an opportunity 2 weeks ago to take a really good look at what condition my heart was in, not only now but in the past. I know my testimony, I have given it several times, and I could give it a million more without even thinking about it. But something was different this time around. I really prayed and sought God's perspective on it. I realized, maybe for the first time, that some of my mistakes that I continually have blamed others for were actually choices that rested squarely on my shoulders alone. Sure, I may have been influenced in one way or the other, but when it came down to it, it was my choices that landed me in the pits that became home for as long as I kept digging them.
God began to reveal to me that there were 3 different stages that my heart went through. During my high school years, I was a sand hearted rebel. I did whatever I wanted, making choices that were a byproduct of a very prideful heart. I knew who God was, but I had never yet chosen to walk with Him, nor make Him my savior. This lead to years of choices that I am still paying for today. Pits that have lasting effects that I battle daily to stay out of. Regrets are usually always a part of this heart condition, and I have plenty of them.
The second stage that He revealed to me was the stage where my heart was instantly turned to stone. This happened almost immediately after I became a Christian. Instead of seeking out a relationship, I tried hard to follow what I thought a Christian was supposed to look like. A human perspective that caused me to build very thick walls around my heart. Even as I was saying that I was choosing God, a part of me was choosing a religion rather than a relationship. Although this has not handed me near as many regrets, it has been the hardest to get out of. You have to understand, that even though I was living as a Christian, I was still not allowing my heart to be molded by HIM.

One day though…Christ picked up a chisel!
I don't know why…but I am telling you that when I sit and think about that moment it drops me so fast and has me praising so loud. As I am sitting here typing, I have this feeling in my stomach that is just screaming, "why me?"!
This, of course, leads me to my most recent stage that my heart is in. This is where my little analogy comes into play…
Have you ever seen a little kid play with playdoh? My kids love to get every single color out, and build huge elaborate things all over my table. They twist and turn it. They shape it into chicken nuggets, houses, trees, birds, baby dolls, etc. The list is endless to what they have made. It is fun…as long as they keep it in the house. The problem starts when one of them decides to play with it in the stones. You can imagine what is going to happen next can't you? Without fail, as soon as they would take it outside it would "accidently" fall out of their hands into a pile of stones. It isn't the kind of stone that is so huge that it wouldn't stick, it is the type that is really little and not only sticks, but embeds into the playdoh. Tears start flowing as they come find me, hoping that I can fix it. In my mind, I am thinking, no way…might as well pitch it. But as I take a look at their streaked faces, I know that I have to try. So I start picking each piece out one by one. It is pretty easy to get the ones that are visible. I think that I am finished about 20 times, before I feel another one just under the surface. It's the ones that are embedded into the playdoh that are hard to get rid of. To be able to get every single one, I have to constantly massage through it, sometimes ripping it apart and putting it back together again. It is like finding a prize when one begins to surface so that I can get rid of it.
This sums up the stage my heart is in now. It is just like this ball of playdoh that has been dropped in the stones. I wish that I could be the piece that never came outside, but it is too late for that. I chose to leave the house a long time ago. But as I dropped my heart over and over again into the rocks, and covered it with stone chips, embedding them deep inside, I realized that all it took was for me to come running to my FATHER with tears streaking down my face and hands wide open for Him to pick up my mess and start fixing it. It has taken me being ripped apart and stuck back together, it has taken me allowing Him to continually shape and form, massaging out all of the little stone that are hidden. I know that my heart may never be removed of all the pieces that are either left behind from my sand days, or are fragments of my stone walls. It is sad for me to think that I messed up so badly at times! But one thing I do know…God is NOT giving up on me! He will never look at my heart and say "it's too messy". He continually is finding pieces that He wants to mold into His masterpiece. I am at the point, where I don't ever want to take it back and drop it again. So I stand beside Him with expectancy in my face, and hope in my heart that one day, every piece of stone will be removed and I will be exactly the way He wants me to be. But in the mean time, I will leave my hands wide open to Him and keep my heart in full surrender to the only one that can make me whole again!

Psalm 139:23-24  "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

Heaven is closing in, every day we are just one step closer. If that is your goal, if that is your end destination, I want to leave you with one question. Do you want to give God a heart filled with rocks, or are you going to give Him control right now of your playdoh mess? Let me assure you that you are never the one with too many rocks, or too big of a mess. Don't let the enemy tell you that you can't be fixed! God is patient, full of grace, promising never to leave us. He will pick out every single rock as long as you willing let Him! Trust me…if He can fix me, He can fix you! Don't give up…the fun is just beginning!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Last Minute

Last Minute
Ecclesiastes 8:7-8 "Since no man knows the future, who can tell him what is to come? No man has power over the wind to contain it; so no one has power over the day of his death.

The other day I was doing laundry in my new washing machine. I finally got a front loading washer simply because my other one broke beyond repair. I was admiring all the new digital lights and settings, when I realized that it had a timer that counted down to the last minute. I was amazed and stared at it until it started playing this little musical tune, signaling that it was finished.

I just wonder if there is a timer like that for our lives. Does a little choir of angels start singing a song, signaling the end?

Ever hear about planes crashes that leave nothing in tact except a sacred little black box? They search the wreckage endlessly until they locate it. All for what? Why is it so special? It's special because it records the last minutes in someone's life. It is a treasure to find out exactly what was said before they were taken. It is simply priceless.

So what would you say if I told you that we all have those little black boxes? The difference in yours and mine though, is that it is trapped in people's memories. It is not an actual physical box, but rather scattered images that tons of people have as they encounter you for what may be the last time.

My question for you is how do you want to be remembered? What do you want people to say about how you left them? Will their memories reflect your true self, or will it be a distorted view of a person that you don't want to be? Do you show people Christ? Or do they catch you in a moment of weakness?

God wants us to be prepared to meet Him at any moment, and since we don't know when our timer is going to run out, I think that we need to start living like this could be our last minute!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Challenge for the week:  Before your feet hit the floor, make a conscience effort to  commit your day to God.  Asking Him to open your eyes to the battle, and arming yourself to come away victorious.  Asking also that He will lead you where He wants and put the people in your path that He wants you to influence! (then be aware all day of any God moments and write them down!)
you guys have been great!  this blog is absolutely a blast to have!  thank you for all the encouragement that you have sent me!  God is good...even when it seems like He has forgotten you, HE HASN'T!!  remember that He never changes, so if it seems like He is far away, you can't blame Him!  I am going to start posting weekly challenge boxes.  I hope that you all are growing from the devos, but now it's time to put a little action into play too.  i'd love to hear how you are all committing new things to the Lord!  Keep encouraged!  it is way easier to fight this battle with a whole bunch of warriors!  so glad you are joining the army!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hard Boiled Eggs

Hard Boiled Eggs

The other day I was making brownies with my youngest son. My friend taught me a new trick in making them better. I now put 2 boxes together for a really thick brownie with a crusty outside and a chewy middle….soooo good! With using 2 boxes, it causes me to use double the ingredients also. This particular day I needed 4 eggs. Eggs are something that you just assume you have enough of and never really check. This day was no exception, with confidence, I opened both packages without knowing if there were enough or not. There weren't. I had 3, not 4. While I was contemplating what I should do, my son, remembering that he had seen a container of eggs in the fridge, decided to check again for me. Sure enough, he had found several more eggs. I could tell that he was excited to be able to show me his find. There was just one problem with the eggs he found; they were hard boiled. Even after I explained to him that they were not the right kind, he was still wearing a very confused expression on his face. They looked the same. They came in the same container. To his little mind, there was no difference.

But what a difference there was! This is when God starting opening my eyes to the lesson He wanted me to learn through this brownie making experience.

From the outside, a heart is a heart. There are not many differences if you are just looking at them. But to God, who knows better, there are day and night differences.

Just like those brownies, God needs specific ingredients to make His missions the way He wants them. He knows the outcome the He wants and He won't settle for any substitutes.

I think that at times, we feel that we are the right person for the job. We really want to be used and we really know that we can get it done right for God. Then we are confused when it seems that He has chosen someone else for the "assignment". Why not me? I have asked myself this question many times.

The problem with that question is that we are asking in the wrong way. Most times, I think that it comes out a little huffy. We feel that we were overlooked. We feel shorted. We feel that we need to make ourselves known. We want to make sure that God knows that He overlooked something pretty good. Instead, we need to take the attitude of humbleness. Instead of being arrogant, we need to ask "why not me?" in a way that makes it about wanting to really know what needs to be changed. Why He didn't feel my heart was ready.

Psalms 139:23 " Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts."


We have to be able to go to God and ask Him this verse and be fully prepared to hear His answer. If we don't want to hear the answer and don't want to change what He says to change, then we are in some serious danger. Our hearts won't change appearance all that much. But instead of being able to be the right form to be used, we will become like a hardboiled egg. We will be passed up when the time comes to get the mission done. We will not be able to be used. Is it worth it to you? I think it is time for all of us to have a heart checkup. Find out what category of egg that you fall into! If you find yourself a little bit on the hard boiled side and want a change, ask God to change you around! Be ready though! When He is done with you, you might just feel like a pile of scrambled eggs! But don't fear…God will get you to where He wants you to be. Useable. Useable if you are willing. If you can get there, I can guarantee you that God will want to use you somewhere! You won't be overlooked to get a job done! You won't sit in the fridge useless while there are brownies to be made! You will be chosen! Be ready!


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