I am a pretty competitive person, so everything is about a challenge. If you plan on following my blog, I am praying that it won't be something that you just open and read but also apply so that God can change your heart!

I believe that God wants us all to take a look at our lives and live it at a higher level. He is calling us to know Him and see Him. Once we begin to do that, we can then show Him to others!

The world has placed a standard that screams for us to simply fit in. Well, I am rebelling against that standard and refusing to let it be the ruling power in my life! So with that said, I dare I double dog dare you to do the same!

How tough are you really? Tough enough to surrender your life and hit your knees?

I guess we will see....

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hidden Puddles

Hidden Puddles

I was walking through my barn the other day with no shoes on. This really is not unusual because you will find me barefooted half the time. What was different about that day though, was the fact that I kept my socks on. Weird huh? I am still trying to figure that one out. But anyhow…I was walking through, minding my own business when all of the sudden a water puddle appears. Now, if you are anything like me, you understand how annoying that is! A perfectly good pair of socks are now ruined. I mean, I can wear them again, but only after washing them first!

As I stare in disgust at an obvious puddle, I realized that I seriously had no clue that it was there. At that point, though, there really was nothing more for me to do except strip my socks off.

I now have a choice…be disgusted and ticked off by the distraction or shrug it off and just run around barefoot. What would you have done?

I know this is an obvious statement but…if I have shoes or socks on and step in a puddle, I will get them wet. There is not an option there. It will be a distraction. So why not just run around barefoot. Seriously…what happens if you step in a puddle? You keep running and eventually your feet dry. You don't take time out to go get a towel…you don't sit a while waiting for the wind to blow dry them. You just keep going! Nothing slowing you down!

Can you imagine what it would be like if every time God threw something in your path, you would be "barefoot" and just take it in stride and allow it to be who you are and not get distracted or annoyed at it?

Think about it for a minute. Assume that the sock on your foot is protecting your desired life. You use it to seal in your ideas and to cover your well planned out detailed agenda. You are walking along feeling pretty comfortable and BAMM…God throws a water puddle in your path. What do you do? Do you get annoyed that your plans are not working out? Frustrated that everything you wanted to happen isn't as planned? Do you pout because you are not really in control? Have you found yourself running inside to just replace it and get on with your schedule?

Is that water puddle viewed as a huge inconvenience that you can't tolerate? Or do you instead slip your socks off and run through it again?

Who do you want to be? A person who holds so tightly to his or her own plans that when something better comes along you don't recognize it? Or are you the barefoot Jesus lover who, at any moment, welcomes new direction with excitement and anticipation, actually walking so close to Him that you seek out the puddles rather than have them sneak up on you?

You are one or the other there is no doubt! And the question that is slapping me in the face is this:

Do you want to leave footprints behind?

If so hit your knees and ask for God to open your eyes to the puddles that are all around you! Then just start running!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hold MY Hand

Hold MY Hand

Nothing can touch my heart quicker than when a little kid reaches up and grabs my finger with their hand. They wrap their fingers around and hold on tight. It is easy for me to guide them, and they follow just as quickly. But there is one problem…as soon as they see something that grabs their attention, they let go and run off. This has happened several times with my own kids, you can almost predict the exact moment that they will let you go. They start straining against your pull and finally can take it no longer, and then they are gone.

Just as quickly as they grabbed tight, they let loose. Most of the time without so much as a backwards glance. There have been moments when I just watch them wander away, wondering when it will hit them that they are no longer as brave as they thought. They stop. Turn in circles seeking a familiar face and then start bawling! You know what I mean….it happens every time! The next time though; I take their grubby little hands and completely enclose mine OVER theirs. That way there is no way to escape!

I wonder, as I thought about this, how many of us walk with the Lord much as these little ones walk with us. Running up to Him and grabbing His Hand, actually letting Him lead us at some points, but then getting totally and completely distracted. Something or someone grabs our attention and sways us from the path we are heading…just like that, we let go. Can you just see it now? At first it seems exciting…like nothing is going wrong. But it doesn't take long to realize that you are completely lost, desperate for comfort and you don't know which way to go! How many of us have ever felt that way? So we go running back to Jesus, grab His finger and repeat the process. Most little kids will walk away eventually; there is always something that will grab their attention. Do we find ourselves in that same rut? Over and over we run to Him, cling to Him, follow Him, and over and over we walk away…

Is it time to stop running? Is it time to trust that He Knows which way is right, best, straight? Is He enough?

For me, I no longer cling to His finger, but rather beg Him to hold tight to my wrist and enclose my grubby little hand in His. If there is one thing I am SURE of, He will NEVER let me go! And THAT is all the security that I need!

How about you? Sick of being drawn to a place where there is only desperation and regret? Then run back to your daddy…He is waiting, watching for that moment of recognition when it hits you that you NEED Him! He has not left you! Just follow your tears back to His everlasting arms!

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